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2025-2026 California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) Requirements

The California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) is a new general education pattern designed to make transferring from a California Community College to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) easier and more efficient. Starting in Fall 2025, Cal-GETC will be the only lower-division general education pathway for students pursuing an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) or planning to transfer to CSU or UC.

1. English Communication and Critical Thinking

Choose one course (three units minimum) from each area for a minimum of nine semester units.
Area Courses
1A English Composition TBD
1B Critical Thinking and Composition TBD
1C Oral Communication TBD

2. Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units.
Area Courses
2 Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning TBD

3. Arts and Humanities

Choose one course (three units minimum) from each area for a minimum of six semester units.
Area Courses
3A Arts TBD
3B Humanities TBD

4. Social and Behavioral Sciences

Choose two courses from different disciplines for a minimum of six semester units.
Area Courses
4 Behavioral and Social Sciences TBD

5. Physical and Biological Sciences

Choose two courses totaling a minimum of seven semester units, including at least one associated laboratory component.
Area Courses
5A Physical Science TBD
5B Biological Science TBD
5C Associate Lab Component TBD

6. Ethnic Studies

Choose one course for a minimum of three semester units.
Area Courses
6 Ethnic Studies TBD