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Home Catalog Graduation and Transfer Preparing to Transfer Course Transferability and C-ID


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Course Transferability and C-ID

Transferable Courses

Courses that can transfer to the University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) systems are labeled as "Transferable" in the course details.

For questions about how specific courses transfer to particular institutions, students should consult a counselor.

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

C-ID is a statewide system that identifies comparable courses across California community colleges, ensuring consistency in content, rigor, and student learning outcomes. A course with a C-ID number is equivalent to any other California community college course with the same designation and will be accepted at participating community colleges and CSU campuses. For example, C-ID COMM 110 at American River College will be accepted at any other college offering a course with the same C-ID number.

To evaluate course transferability, students should consult a counselor and visit to see how American River College courses apply to:

  • Major requirements at CSU and UC campuses
  • California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) requirements

For private or out-of-state colleges, consult a counselor. An up-to-date list of American River College’s C-ID-approved courses is available on California’s Transfer and Articulation System website.

Common Course Numbering

Starting in Fall 2025, California community colleges are adopting a Common Course Numbering (CCN) system (AB 1111). This system assigns common course numbers for comparable courses across all community colleges in the state. The goal of CCN is to facilitate a smoother transfer of credits between colleges and four-year institutions.

CCN does not replace C-ID but works alongside it. While C-ID ensures statewide articulation agreements, CCN provides a more direct, standardized course mapping. C-ID designations will still be used and displayed to maintain alignment with transfer pathways.