Art History (ARTH) Courses
ARTH 300 Art Appreciation
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312, AND ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU; UC (ARTH 300 & 480 combined: maximum credit - one course)
- C-ID:C-ID ARTH 100
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a survey of the history and analysis of the visual arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, and additional media. It offers a foundation for understanding art across time and in diverse cultures. Field trips to art galleries or museums may be required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- critically evaluate the basic elements of an artwork.
- distinguish the techniques and materials used in the creation of art and architecture.
- differentiate between art historical periods.
- identify the functions of art and roles of the artist in diverse cultures.
- evaluate art and architecture using formal analysis and art historical vocabulary.
- compare and contrast different art historical methodologies.
ARTH 302 Art: Stone Age Through the Middle Ages
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLW 340
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- C-ID:C-ID ARTH 110
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a study of the architecture, sculpture, and painting of the ancient Near East and Europe from the Stone Age through the Middle Ages. Art works of each period are discussed and related to respective cultures. Field trips and/or individual visitation to art galleries and museums may be required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- identify artwork from prehistoric and ancient cultures through the Middle Ages and discuss it using art historical terminology.
- differentiate works of art based upon the historical context or the cultural values represented.
- analyze the different ways cultures used and made art from the Stone Age through the Middle Ages.
- compare the changing roles of art and architecture in the eras from prehistoric to Gothic.
ARTH 308 Renaissance Tradition in Art
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- C-ID:Part of C-ID ARTH 120
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a study of painting, sculpture, and architecture of European cultures from the 14th century early Renaissance to the late Baroque period. Outstanding art works of each major period are discussed, analyzed, and placed within historical context. A field trip to an art museum or art gallery may be required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- identify the key artistic developments of the Italian Renaissance and explain, using art historical terminology, the shifts in culture and patronage they represent in comparison to earlier periods.
- differentiate works of art from the Northern Renaissance and identify how its culture and patronage can be reflected in its own artistic innovations at this time.
- understand how innovations like printmaking, or the creation of a middle class art market, shaped the consumption of images.
- compare the stylistic differences of the Baroque and understand how social and religious changes helped to create and influence them.
- analyze how the roles of art and artist changed from the early Renaissance in comparison to later periods.
ARTH 310 Modern Art
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Cal-GETC Area 3A (effective Fall 2025)
- C-ID:C-ID ARTH 150; Part of C-ID ARTH 120
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course covers 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century art forms including painting, sculpture, and architecture in Europe and America. It addresses styles including Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, and the major movements of the 20th century. Postmodern art is also discussed. A field trip to an art museum or art gallery may be required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- identify major works of art and architecture from the Rococo period to the contemporary period.
- discuss and distinguish styles and stylistic changes in art from the Rococo period to the contemporary period.
- use art historical vocabulary and methods to interpret and evaluate art and architecture from the Rococo period to the contemporary period.
- formulate and analyze meanings and functions of art and architecture from the Rococo period to the contemporary period within their cultural and historical contexts.
ARTH 318 History of American Art
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; or ESLR 340 AND ESLW 340
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:Local GE L3 (effective Fall 2025); Cal-GETC Area 3A (effective Fall 2025)
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course covers art in America from initial European contact to the present day. Topics include initial images of the New World made by Europeans; early art and architecture that reflects a synthesis of Native and European traditions; Colonial and early American art, architecture, and decorative arts; 19th-century portraits, landscapes, and history paintings; and regional and later modernist American art of the twentieth century. This course emphasizes the influence of European traditions as well as the history of a variety of cultures in the present day United States, the variety of styles and patrons in the country, and the way in which cultural values find expression in art, architecture, and decorative arts. An individual or group field trip to a museum or art gallery is required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- recall and identify major works of art and architecture created in America from the 15th century to the present day.
- compare and contrast art objects created in America from the 15th century to the present day.
- critique and analyze American art, architecture, and decorative arts based on aesthetic and functional qualities.
- identify and interpret sources of influence for American art, architecture, and decorative arts.
- synthesize American cultural values and their artistic expressions.
- describe how historical, social, or political contexts can be seen in the styles or types of art objects coming from specific American regions or eras.
ARTH 322 Art History of the Non-Western World
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligibility for ENGRD 310 or 312, AND ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is a survey of art history throughout India, Africa, the Americas, the Arctic, Australia, and Oceania. It covers the architecture, sculpture, and painting of the peoples in these parts of the world. The time period spans from the Stone Age to the 18th century. Field trips and/or individual visits to art galleries and museums are required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- analyze the different visual arts styles of various global cultures.
- discuss and describe the diversity in art throughout the world.
- compare the aesthetic motivation and cultural purposes of various art forms.
- compare traditional multicultural and international art periods.
ARTH 333 Introduction to Islamic Art
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course surveys the art and culture of the Middle East. It focuses on Islamic art and architecture and provides fundamental information on the formation of Islamic art, its history, and philosophy. It includes visual examples from Arabic, Persian, and Indian cultures.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- evaluate the influential elements in the formation and production of Islamic art considering the social, political, and historical backdrop against which Islamic art flourished, including the role of the unorthodox interpretation of Islam relating to artistic endeavors.
- demonstrate an awareness of the critical issues within the field of "Islamic art" such as the use of the term “Islamic” in Islamic art and the application of methodology in the interpretation of the art.
- demonstrate knowledge of and comparatively analyze examples of the various branches of the art and architecture and the relating arts, for example the art of the book, calligraphy, and book illumination as part of the art of the object, religious and secular architecture, and the building decorative arts as seen in the realm of architecture.
- analyze the mutual impact of Islam and other cultures both in the East and the West and identify the elements of mutual appropriation in their visual art.
ARTH 334 International Contemporary Art
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a worldwide survey of trends in art, including painting, sculpture, and architecture since 1980, with an emphasis on the diversity of contemporary global cultures. New art mediums, such as video, computer, street art, and performance art are highlighted. This course focuses on social and political commentary in art. A field trip to a local art exhibition may be required.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- appraise representative artists and artworks from a number of different world cultures.
- analyze current trends in painting, sculpture, photography, film, architecture, and new visual art mediums.
- evaluate an artwork's visual elements as well as its social or political content.
- critique the effectiveness of postmodern artworks.
- analyze current controversies and legal matters in art as well as artists' changing roles as participants in contemporary
ARTH 335 Survey of Photography
- Same As:ARTPH 345
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This course is a survey of photography. It explores the evolution of the photographic medium, its impact on art, culture, and history from the inception of photography to current trends. This survey covers various genres, including fine art, journalism, science, and social media. Field trips may be required. This course is not open to students who have completed ARTPH 345.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- analyze the different photographic genres throughout history.
- compare the different visual art periods and styles of photography.
- describe and discuss the cultural impact of photography on society.
- evaluate the influence of photography on other artistic mediums.
- identify significant artists and their influence on the history of photography.
ARTH 499 Experimental Offering in Art History
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:August 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.