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Home Academics Foster and Kinship Care

We Stand for Care

Community college Foster and Kinship Care Education is supporting foster and kinship caregivers efforts more and more. We know that caregivers like you understand that parenting another's child is more than just warm and tender affection. Whether you are taking on the responsibility of caring for a relative's child or a child from within the foster care system, we understand that there is much you need to know.

  • We provide support by offering specialized educational classes.
  • We connect you with services and individuals that will offer information and resources that will help you make a greater difference.
  • There are no fees. California is supporting your efforts to increase your care- giving skills and knowledge. Classes are held in a variety of locations throughout Sacramento.

Foster Care Education Classes

We invite you to join our foster care education classes if you are:

  • Parenting a child placed in out-of-home care and you want to improve your parenting skills
  • Taking care of a relative's child
  • Needing to complete State-mandated foster care education requirements
  • Interested in being a foster or adoptive parent

WFFH (Whole Foster Family Home Certification Training)

As needed by families, Call FKCE office if class is needed

If you are interested in being a RFA home for a pregnant or parenting foster youth, the class series is the certification training that is required. The Whole Family Foster Care is a new placement option for pregnant and parenting dependent youth. Under the placement, the RFA home has two roles. The first is as a RFA parent to the pregnant/parenting teen. The second is as a mentor to the pregnant/parenting teen for their non- dependent infant. There is a need to place pregnant and parenting dependent teens in a placement with their babies. This series will cover both roles and specifics of mentoring a teen to become a successful parent. We will discuss the role of child development across the spectrum of birth-adolescence as we open our thinking to encompass what research tells us is "best practice" for raising secure, safe and nurtured infants and apply that information to teen parents in out-of-home placements. This class will also include information on the shared responsibility plan, attachment and the care of the newborn, legal issues, safety issues and resources to help the teen parent as well as the RFA caregiver. Once you complete the series you meet the requirements to receive the stipend for being a WFFH mentor.

Instructor: Dana McKnight, MSW- FKCE Program Coordinator, American River College.

See FKCE Classes

Ongoing Education for Caregivers

California State Law requires licensed foster parents to complete 12 hours of annual foster care education. Given that children are coming into the court system with greater histories of abuse and neglect than ever before, it has become more important than ever to develop excellent parenting skills, knowledge of the court system, and strong and on-going support systems.

The community college Foster and Kinship Care Education Program annually offers classes on a variety of topics, including:

  • Cultural diversity and sensitivity
  • Accessing education and health services
  • Adolescent pregnancy prevention
  • Medically fragile infants and children
  • Self-esteem enhancement
  • Understanding and working with the court system
  • Basic child development
  • Adoption and concurrent planning issues
  • Special issues as needed

See FKCE Classes

Education for Foster Youth

YESS Independent Living Program (ILP)

The Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success Independent Living Program (YESS ILP) prepares foster youth for their move into independent adult living. The program is free to all foster youth or adults aged 16 to 21 who are or have been in foster care or group homes.



Raquel Arata

Program Director:
Dana McKnight

Admin Assistant:

Phone: (916) 484-8626
Phone: (916) 484-8094


Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 4:30 pm