Foster Care Education Classes
We invite you to join our foster care education classes if you are:
- Parenting a child placed in out-of-home care and you want to improve your parenting skills
- Taking care of a relative's child
- Needing to complete State-mandated foster care education requirements
- Interested in being a foster or adoptive parent
WFFH (Whole Foster Family Home Certification Training)
As needed by families, Call FKCE office if class is needed
If you are interested in being a RFA home for a pregnant or parenting foster youth, the class series is the certification training that is required. The Whole Family Foster Care is a new placement option for pregnant and parenting dependent youth. Under the placement, the RFA home has two roles. The first is as a RFA parent to the pregnant/parenting teen. The second is as a mentor to the pregnant/parenting teen for their non- dependent infant. There is a need to place pregnant and parenting dependent teens in a placement with their babies. This series will cover both roles and specifics of mentoring a teen to become a successful parent. We will discuss the role of child development across the spectrum of birth-adolescence as we open our thinking to encompass what research tells us is "best practice" for raising secure, safe and nurtured infants and apply that information to teen parents in out-of-home placements. This class will also include information on the shared responsibility plan, attachment and the care of the newborn, legal issues, safety issues and resources to help the teen parent as well as the RFA caregiver. Once you complete the series you meet the requirements to receive the stipend for being a WFFH mentor.
Instructor: Dana McKnight, MSW- FKCE Program Coordinator, American River College.
Upcoming Classes
Foster and Kinship Care: Los trastornos más comunes en niños y adolescentes (2 horas)
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Foster and Kinship Care: No More Stress! Creating the Balance you Deserve (4 hours)
from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Foster and Kinship Care: Trauma Stewardship: The Cost of Caring (2 hours)
from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Proximas Clases en Español
Foster and Kinship Care: Los trastornos más comunes en niños y adolescentes (2 horas)
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Foster and Kinship Care: Consumo de drogas y adicción a las Drogas (4 horas)
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Foster and Kinship Care: Consumo de drogas y adicción a las Drogas (4 horas)
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Zoom Participant Guidelines
Dear Caregiver:
We look forward to providing you with our Foster and Kinship Care Education training in a live online environment via Zoom. The following are the requirements of your participation in order to receive credit/certification.
Before Training Starts
Download the Zoom app to access the workshop on a device (computer or phone) that has a camera and microphone.
- Each participant must register individually and complete all fields in the registration form to get credit for attending and receive a certificate. Register with your legal name.
- If you do not register individually, then you will not get a certificate of completion for attending class.
- All Zoom classes require a passcode.
- Please sign in to class ten (10) minutes before class starts – you will be in the waiting room initially.
- The instructor will verify your name and other information to document attendance before class starts.
- Once per year, complete both a Participant Registration and Release of Information form for class attendance documentation.
- Certificates will have the name you used to register and will be emailed to the address you registered with.
- Certificates will be emailed within seven business days from the class date or the last class date of a series.
- Participants are expected to engage in class and preferably have video on.
- Class entrance ends 15 minutes after class start time and you must stay for all of class to get credit for attending class.
- All questions can be emailed to
- You must be available the entire duration of the designated training hours.
- If you are absent from the virtual classroom for more than 10 minutes, you will be dismissed from the training and will not receive credit/certification.
During Training
- Everyone can see everything you are doing, so please be mindful of your surroundings. Please refrain from “lounging” or laying down while in class.
- Just as childcare is not provided for onsite FKCE classes, please refrain from having your children, pets, other family members, or anyone who is not registered for the workshop in the virtual class with you. If childcare is an issue, please select a workshop time where you can participate undisturbed.
- Please do not multi-task while on the call. You must give your full attention to this important training.
- Please make sure you are at a stationary location. Do not participate in the class while you are driving. Do not participate in the class while you are walking, doing household chores, or any other activity where you are moving between locations.
- Active participation is required. If you have challenges with typing in the chat box, please have paper and pen ready so you can write your responses and show them on screen.
To get class credit for attending and a certificate of completion, you must do the following:
- Register individually and complete all fields in the registration form.
- When attending the FKCE Zoom class, please put your name on the Zoom platform.
- If more than one is participating on the same device, then all names must appear on the device to get class credit for attending.
Estimado Padre de Crianza;
Estamos felices en poder proveerles talleres envivo por la red usando “zoom”. Para particpar en estos talleres y recibir un certificado tiene que seguir los siguentes requisitos:
- Descargar la aplicación “zoom” para tener acceso en su dispositivo (computadora, teléfono móvil, ipad o tableta, etc) que tenga cámara y micrófono. No se permite participación por teléfono sin video.
- No necesita inscribirse/registrarse para una cuenta con “zoom” solo tiene que descargar la aplicación de “Zoom” y después tendrá que visitar el enlace que será proveído por el colegio.
- También tendrá que completar el Formulario de Registro de Participantes con su firma y regresar esta forma a en 24 horas antes que comience la clase.
- Si usted esta tomando la clase con otra persona como su pareja o otro adulto, ese adulto también debe de seguir todas los requisitos, reglas, y estar visible en su pantalla durante toda la clase.
- Usted debe estar disponible para participar en la clase indicada por la duración completa de la clase.
- Usted debe de estar vestido(a) y atento(a) durante la duración de la clase, en un lugar tranquilo sin distracciones, sentado(a) (no acostado(a) ni haciendo otras cosas, caminando etc) donde su cara, no foto, este visible en el video y donde usted pueda conversar y tener interacciones por video usando el teclado para poder escribir sus preguntas y comentarios.
- Solamente se le esperará 15 minutos a partir de que empieza la clase, después se cierra la clase y no podrá participar.
- Si Usted esta ausente del salon virtual mas de 10 minutos, sera despedido de la clase y no recibirá crédito o un certificado.
- Debe de enseñar su identificación oficial del gobierno antes que comienza la clase al personal del colegio.
Durante La Clase
Todos pueden ver lo que usted esta haciendo, entonces, necesita estar cociente de sus alrededores y medio ambiente. Favor de no acostarse, descansar o caminar durante el tiempo que esta participando en el taller.
- Tal como esta prohibido traer niños a las clases en persona, favor de asegurarse que sus hijos, mascotas y otros miembros de la familia o personas que no están registrados para tomar la clases virtual no estén presente durante su clase. Si el cuidado de hijos es un problema para usted, favor de seleccionar una clase donde usted puede participar sin distracciones, molestias ó interrupciones y donde usted esté solo(a).
- Necesita dar su atención completa durante esta clase importante. Favor de concentrarse, no debe estar trabajando en otras cosas a la vez.
- Durante la clase, necesita estar en un lugar estable. Durante la clase, no debe de estar conduciendo, caminando, cocinando, haciendo los deberes del hogar (como ayudando a sus hijos con la tarea, etc). También no debe moverse de un cuarto a otro.
- Debe ser un participante activo durante la clase. Sí le cuesta trabajo usar el teclado para “chatear” favor de tener un papel y lápiz disponible para poder escribir sus respuestas y compartirlas en la pantalla con los otros participantes.
To get class credit for attending and a certificate of completion, you must do the following:
- Register individually and complete all fields in the registration form.
- When attending the FKCE Zoom class, please put your name on the Zoom platform.
- If more than one is participating on the same device, then all names must appear on the device to get class credit for attending.
Additional Class Offerings
Presented in collaboration with Sacramento County of Education (SCOE), Foster Youth Services.
Topics, presenters, and schedule was developed by a Sacramento countywide committee of district partners, Children's Law Center staff, and Sacramento County Child Welfare Staff to address current and specific issues impacting our students.
- Workshops are the third Wednesday of each month from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Contact Sal De Leon at (916) 204-0969 for more information or if you have issues logging on.
Topics and Workshop Descriptions
January 18: Operation Graduation
There is not a one size fits all track to graduation for our foster youth. Credit Recovery, Partial Credit, Alternative options, and Graduation Exemptions will be covered in this workshop. Assist your high schooler in creating their own path to graduation.
February 15: Multi-Tier System of Support and Special Education
Participate in this workshop to learn what is Multi-Tiered System of Support and a brief overview of Special Education. Districts are creating more opportunities to address
individual needs before the need to refer a student to Special Education.
March 15: Understanding and Advocating for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Foster Youth in Our Schools
Be an advocate for Foster Youth LGBQT+ youth in our schools. Participants will learn pronoun usage, terminology, gender identity, sexual orientation, laws and policies that will contribute to supporting LGBQT+ student's education experience.
April 19: Re-Engaging Youth in Their Education and Thinking Beyond High School
Learn best practices for getting students interested in school, instilling good habits, access Summer School, and assist with setting short-term and long-term career goals.
May 17: Assisting Expected and Parenting Youth and CSEC Survivors Achieve Academic Success
Come understand the multiple obstacles adolescent parents and CSEC survivors face when trying to obtain their high school diploma. Learn about resources and community supports that will assist these students achieve their academic goals.