Beacon Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program
The Beacon Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program provides academic assistance via regularly scheduled, out-of-class, peer-facilitated group study sessions. SI Leaders are key people in the program; ARC faculty recruit the SI Leaders. The SI Leaders have demonstrated competence in the course(s) they lead and are trained to facilitate learning.
The Beacon SI sessions are comprised of students of varying academic abilities. Beacon SI is not viewed as remedial. Students who attend Beacon SI sessions discover appropriate application of learning strategies, like note taking, graphic organization, questioning techniques, vocabulary acquisition, problem solving and test preparation among others.
Students who participate in a Beacon study group...
- Get better grades
- Understand the subject better
- Make new friends
- Pay nothing--it's free!
- Earn extra credit (not offered in all Beacon courses-ask your instructor).
Ask your instructor if he or she has a Beacon study group for your class. Many instructors also offer incentives, often in the form of extra credit points, for those in a Beacon study group.
What is Beacon Plus?
Beacon Plus focuses on providing more individualized attention and assistance to students during class activities (in addition to the traditional Beacon out-of-class group sessions). The SI Leader attends lecture (and/or lab) under the professor's guidance to help students understand course concepts and enhance participation and engagement in the classroom. The leader may attend all, or only certain class meetings each week. If the leader is not professor's former student, Beacon Plus is highly recommended.
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
- Beacon Coordinator:
- Araceli Badilla
- Beacon Clerk
- Eugene Martinez