Why Join Umoja Sakhu?
Educating the Whole Student – Mind, Body, and Spirit
A community of learners seeking to illuminate and touch the spirit.
Umoja is a Kiswahili word meaning unity and focuses on the importance of togetherness among family and among members of a community.
Sakhu is a Kemetic or Egyptian term that describes the study of or the illumination of the human spirit.
Umoja Sakhu at American River College (ARC) is a community of learners seeking to illuminate and touch the spirit of our students.
More About Umoja Sakhu
Umoja Sakhu is a powerful learning community experience that transforms and touches students' lives by providing a supportive and safe environment where every voice is heard and acknowledged.
- To enhance the cultural and educational experience of ARC students through exposing them to knowledge and ideas with an African/African American emphasis.
- To increase student success in achieving their educational goals.
Requirements for Success
- High level of motivation and dedication from the student
- Participation in Umoja Sakhu activities and support services
- Meeting with your Umoja Sakhu counselor each semester
Benefits of Participating in Umoja Sakhu
- Strong support system and personal attention
- Culturally relevant instruction from caring faculty
- Peer tutoring
- Motivational/cultural workshops
- Participation in Umoja Community statewide events
Students who participate in the Umoja Sakhu Learning Community can choose from the following courses and academic enrichment opportunities during upcoming semesters:
Fall 2023 Umoja Sakhu Learning Community Courses
- ENGWR 94/300 – College Composition with Support (Robinson)
- ENGWR 300 – College Composition (Gourdine)
- ENGWR 302 – College Composition and Critical Thinking (Gourdine)
- HCD 310 – College Success (Marshall)
- PSYC 330* – Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Akawi)
- PSYC 300* – General Principles of Psychology (Beckum) or (Constante)
*PYSC 330 and PSYC 300 course will include students from the Umoja Sakhu, PRISE, PRIDE, PUENTE and the Native American Learning Communities (Akawi)
Fall 2023 Umoja Sakhu Supported or Recommended Classes
- BIOL 300 – Foundations of Biology (Ramones)
- PHYS 310 – Conceptual Physics (Zarate)
- SOC 301 – Social Problems (Sacha)
- SOC 321 – Race, Ethnicity & Inequality (Chao)
- ETHNS 300 – Introduction to Ethnic Studies (Carnero)
- ECE 314 – The Child, the Family and the Community (Cervantes)
- ECE 430 – Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education (Cervantes)
- LIBR 318 – Library Research and Information Literacy (Harris/Williamson)
What is Village Time?
Village Time is a time for ARC's Umoja Sakhu Learning Community, Umoja Sakhu friends and family members, and community elders to come together to be in community. It is a time to support one another, learn from one another, enlighten one another and most importantly, love on one another. It is also a time for Umoja Sakhu students to be engaged and to feel supported in their academic pursuits. Some examples of Village Time activities include porchtalk, workshops, tutoring, peer mentoring, and study time. Join us in our Village space.
"Without a community you cannot be yourself. The community is where we draw the strength needed to effect changes inside of us. Community is formed each time more than one person meets for a purpose. Development of community depends on what the people involved consent to. What one acknowledges in the formation of the community is the possibility of doing together what is impossible to do alone."
"A true community begins in the hearts of the people involved. It is not a place of distraction but a place of being. It is not a place where you reform, but a place you go home to. Finding a home is what people in community try and accomplish. In community it is possible to restore a supportive presence for one another, rather than distrust of one another or competitiveness with one another."
Quotes by Malidoma Patrice Somè.
As the Umoja Sakhu Learning Community continues to expand to reach more students, we are growing while state resources are drying up and our students cannot wait. We must be proactive in seeking additional resources to sustain the level of service that our students need and deserve. Your investment in our students will go a long way in helping to affirm the value of getting a college education and will also support the idea of building stronger and better communities by giving back.
Los Rios employees may donate to Umoja Sakhu through monthly payroll deductions by completing a payroll deduction form and submitting it to our Office of Philanthropy.
You may also make contributions to the ARC Umoja Sakhu Go Fund Me account, or contribute through the Office of Philanthropy by following the instructions below:
- Click on "Donate Today".
- Scroll down to Designation and select "Other".
- Type Umoja Sakhu in the box provided.
- Complete the billing information.
We are eternally grateful to you for taking the time to visit our site and, most importantly, for your generous contribution!
Contact the Fundraising Team
Contact any member of the Umoja Sakhu fundraising team for any additional information:
Judy Mays, PhD
Counselor/Co-Coordinator, Umoja Sakhu Learning Community
(916) 484-8287
Kim Herrell, MA
Counselor/Co-Coordinator, Umoja Sakhu Learning Community
(916) 484-8387
Martha McClellan-Morehouse, MA, LMFT
Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
Umoja Sakhu Learning Community
(916) 484-8700
Village Time
Day and time to be determined.
Inside the Student Center near the cafeteria
Tera Reynolds, Coordinator
(916) 484-4573
Judy Mays, Counselor
Kim Herrell, Counselor
(916) 484-8387
Tanisha Jenkins, Student Personnel Assistant
(916) 877-5014
Denzel Phoenix, Student Personnel Assistant
Want to Join Umoja Sakhu?
Umoja Sakhu is open to all students and is uniquely designed to increase the success, graduation, and transfer rates of African ancestry students by offering a curriculum and counseling support focused on the unique cultural needs of Black and African American students.
Information Meetings/Program Orientations
Information Meetings/Program Orientations for interested students are held Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00 pm via Zoom beginning May 3, 2023.
To sign up, please email umoja@arc.losrios.edu or blackstudentsuccess@arc.losrios.edu, or contact any staff person listed on this page.