Art New Media (ARTNM) Courses
ARTNM 302 Digital Basics for Art New Media
- Units:1.5
- Hours:18 hours LEC; 27 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to the digital environment for Art New Media. Topics include operating system(s), digital vocabulary, scanning, saving, and file formats. Distinctions between vector, bitmap, and page layout applications are made using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign.
ARTNM 303 Graphic Design: Typography
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course covers the art of visual communication and introduces the tools and concepts of visual thinking. It emphasizes the potential of typography as an effective communications tool. Additionally, it also covers historical overviews, portfolio development, and client presentations, paired with the terminology and visual language of design through the creation and evaluation of individual projects.
ARTNM 305 History of Graphic Design
- Units:3
- Hours:54 hours LEC
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:AA/AS Area I; CSU Area C1; IGETC Area 3A
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course covers the history of visual communications as developed by ancient cultures through the present with an emphasis on commercial design, illustration, typographic development, and technological invention. It includes modern graphic design movements of the 20th century through the expansive media innovations of today. This course focuses primarily on analysis of design from a range of sources and cultures, with an emphasis on Europe and some attention to Asia and northern Africa.
ARTNM 320 Facial Expression and Anatomy
- Same As:ART 306
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ART 300 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ART 304
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course covers human facial expression and anatomy using live models, anatomical references, and imagination. This course addresses diversity [or the longer list of identity categories] of the human form. Issues of expression as it relates to skeletal and muscular anatomy are addressed through a series of projects. This course is not open to students who have taken ART 306.
ARTNM 322 Beginning Digital Art
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:AA/AS Area I
- C-ID:C-ID ARTS 250
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This introductory digital art course focuses on digital media processes, including software and hardware tools that facilitate creative visual and conceptual approaches to digital art making. A wide range of digital imaging techniques are explored and time-based processes are introduced, leading to the creation of digital images, animations/videos, and mixed media objects. The course also explores artists’ uses of new technologies in contemporary art-making practices. A vocabulary of new media terms and practices is developed through discussions and critiques.
ARTNM 324 Digital Design
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 303; Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR
300; OR ESLR 340 AND ESLW 340; AND ART 300
OR ART 320 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to fundamental design principles using the basic tools of Adobe Illustrator. It applies design skills and the tools of the software application to produce individual
portfolio-quality projects.
ARTNM 325 Intermediate Digital Design
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 324 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is a continuation of ARTNM 324. It defines advanced elements of graphic design, composition, and gestalt visual principles as they relate to dominance, hierarchy, balance, and color. These topics are combined and applied to the tools and advanced imaging capabilities of Adobe Illustrator.
ARTNM 326 Digital Painting
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ART 300 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the fundamental principles of color, drawing, and painting using the basic tools of Corel Painter. Visual communication skills of color, drawing, and painting are applied to produce individual portfolio-quality projects.
ARTNM 328 Beginning Digital Photo Imagery
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ART 300 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is an introduction to computer-based photographic imaging with emphasis on utilizing cutting edge digital imaging tools to realize design objects. Basic operating principles of Adobe Photoshop are covered. Topics include scanning, basic photo correction, selections, layer basics, adjustment layers, basic masking and channels, typography, vector drawings, and compositing. Design fundamentals are discussed. Topics include positive and negative space relationship, unity, balance, and basic color theory. Concept development is also introduced.
ARTNM 330 Intermediate Digital Photo Imagery
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 328 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the intermediate techniques of digital photo imagery in Adobe Photoshop. Topics include the terminology of digital photo imaging, intermediate masking, channel and curve techniques, photomontage history and techniques, intermediate black and white techniques, issues surrounding dynamic range, color correction, features of the Action and History palettes, exploration of Layer Blending Modes, printing and/or transferring images onto various different media, working with large format images, and commercial printers.
ARTNM 332 Digital Video
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course applies the principles of cinematography and editing to the production of digital video. Industry standard software is employed to capture/import, edit, and produce high-end visual productions. The course includes transitions, multiple layers, alpha channels, and composite shot segments. Evaluation of multimedia projects containing video segments in terms of design aesthetics and technical competence is included. This course examines the genres of documentary, short narrative film, title sequencing, and experimental film.
ARTNM 352 Design for Publication
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ART 320 or ARTNM 310 AND ARTNM 302.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the basic operating principles of digital page layout software using Adobe InDesign. Principles of typography and the development of the printed page are applied to individual portfolio-quality projects. Areas of focus include book, magazine, and newspaper design, as well as publications such as newsletters, journals, and catalogs. An overview of promotionals, such as fliers, posters, and brochures is also included.
ARTNM 354 Digital Prepress
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 352 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces digital prepress for graphic design using industry standard software, like Adobe InDesign. Areas of focus include desktop production for commercial offset printing, preparation of print-ready digital files, paper selection, and the language necessary to properly communicate with commercial printers.
ARTNM 358 College Magazine: Art Selection and Editing
- Units:1 - 2
- Hours:12 - 24 hours LEC; 18 - 36 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTH 300 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides instruction in the editing of ARC's college magazine, the American River Review, for national competitions sponsored by organizations such as the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press. The course focuses on the implementation of a submission process for art work including art handling, tracking of submissions, photography for print and evaluation of submissions. It may be taken four times for credit. A portion of this course may be offered in a TBA component of 6-20 hours which may include photographing 2D and 3D artwork, scanning or photographing photographic artwork, downloading or scanning digital submissions, and production organization such as reformatting and naming files, organizing files into media groups for evaluation.
ARTNM 359 College Magazine: Design and Production
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 302, 324, 328, 352, or 354
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides instruction in the design and production of ARC’s college magazine, the American River Review, for national competitions sponsored by organizations such as the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press. The course focuses on the graphic design, digital production, and printing of a literary and fine art magazine as well as the publicity, marketing, fund-raising, and distribution of the magazine. It provides the design staff a collaborative experience with the editorial staff taught by the English Department. It may be taken four times for credit.
ARTNM 370 Introduction to Illustration
- Same As:ART 314
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ART 300 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is a survey of the history of illustration, defining areas of specialization and the illustrator's role in visual communication. The appropriate use of materials, tools and methods is evaluated. Illustration is analyzed as a method of visual problem solving through a series of projects with varied applications. This course is not open to students who have taken ART 314.
ARTNM 371 Comic Book Development and Structure
- Units:3
- Hours:42 hours LEC; 36 hours LAB
- Course Family:Applied Drawing
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 372 and 373 with grades of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- General Education:AA/AS Area I
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
The confluence of social media, pop-culture, and political issues in relation to comic book themes will be examined and implemented. This course will also review the history of comic books, deconstruct effective storytelling, and examine the basics of character development. Current story and illustration trends will be identified. Traditional as well as current methods/technologies to illustrate and self-publish will be implemented. Historical, political, and social issues affecting storytelling are examined.
ARTNM 372 Character Design
- Same As:ART 317
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Course Family:Applied Drawing
- Prerequisite:ART 302 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ART 304 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the visual development of characters based on archetypal patterns. Topics include backstory, personality, and physical attributes. Fundamental drawing skills such as shape, form, anatomical structure, and motion will be included. Both digital and traditional media are applied. It also covers the graphical development of characters for animation, games, comics, graphic novels, children's books, and illustrated novels. It is not open to students who have completed ART 317.
ARTNM 373 Storyboarding
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ART 300 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ARTNM 372 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the storyboarding process for a range of industries, from film and game entertainment to the industrial and medical industries. It includes creating artwork for the visual interpretation of scripts and provided concepts, as well as developing original ideas. In addition, conceptual exercises, drawing practice, and the use of cinematic rules used in the industry are covered. Topics also include scale and camera angle, camera movement, character staging, composition, basic editing processes, creating animatics, and story reels.
ARTNM 401 Introduction to Web Design
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 303, 324, and 328
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces technical and conceptual aspects of creating interactive visual media for screen-based delivery. It concentrates on designing standards-based web sites and applying standardized best practices to web design. This course introduces the basics of layout for visual communication by tightly integrating the design concepts with technical execution in a web environment. It also applies industry-standard authoring tools, and closely examines the meaning and validity of interactivity. Meaning and validity of interactivity are closely examined.
ARTNM 402 Intermediate Web Design
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 401 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement through the assessment process.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course covers production and intermediate design processes for the web with an emphasis on visual design. It employs various industry standard software applications to create original graphics, control layout and type, process images, and publish professional web pages and/or sites. Topics include an in-depth discussion on the processes and the strategies of combining text, images, animation, video, and audio elements to create compelling visual experiences for web users.
ARTNM 404 Interactive Basics
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 328, ARTNM 401, or CISW 300
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces the design and delivery of rich interactive content suitable for graphical experiences across personal computers, mobile devices, and screens. Topics include generating interactivity between vector-based graphics, animation, integration of digital audio, raster graphics, and digital video. Industry standard workflow from image authoring to interactive authoring is discussed in detail. Visual design principles and interface design concepts are integrated into the making of portfolio-quality projects.
ARTNM 405 Digital 2D Animation
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ART 300 and ARTNM 302
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides techniques for using the traditional principles of animation with industry-standard software. Topics include animating a bouncing ball, ball with a tail, ball with legs, full body bipedal, and a face synchronized to audio. Character animation topics involve locomotion, such as walking and jumping, using the traditional principles. Technical issues, such as frame-by-frame animation (cell animation), rotoscoping, interpolated or f-curve animation, are discussed and applied. Projects will be published using Web media, such as Artstation and Youtube.
ARTNM 406 Design for Tablets
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ARTNM 330, 352, and 402
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces production and design processes of tablet-based media. Various industry standard software applications are employed to create compatible websites, digital documents, PDF presentations, and ePub creations. Topics include the processes and the strategies of combining text, images, animation, video, and audio elements to create compelling visual experiences for tablet-oriented mobile media.
ARTNM 420 Introduction to 3D Modeling
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Advisory:ART 320, ART 370, ARTNM 302, or ARTNM 370
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course introduces computer-generated three-dimensional, or CG 3D, modeling using industry standard software. The primary focus of this course is modeling using polygons, surfaces, and curves to produce quality demo reel renders of the models. Objects range from simplistic primitive shapes to sophisticated models of animals and plants. Software application tools, such as Autodesk Maya and Pixologic Zbrush, are applied to produce content for use in 3D printing, film, game, fine art, broadcast, medical and industrial animation, and more.
ARTNM 421 3D Character Modeling
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 420 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ART 375
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is a continuation of ARTNM 420. Industry techniques and issues related to humanoid character modeling are analyzed and applied. Industry issues, such as the topology flow of human anatomy, facial blend targets, and joint correction, are developed. Clothing, hair, and accessories are added to the characters, strictly following concept designs. This course addresses representing gender, ethnic, racial, cultural, age, and ability diversity in the human form.
ARTNM 422 3D Animation
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 405 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ART 375, DANCE 390, or TAP 300
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides 3D animation techniques using industry standard software. It covers the traditional animation as they are applied and translated to the computer-generated 3D (CG 3D) environment, and also to characters that walk, breathe, and act according to the twelve principles of animation. Topics also include weight, thought process, and the wave principle. Technical issues, such as walking along uneven ground, importing and blending MoCap data, and locomotion around obstacles, are addressed.
ARTNM 423 3D Texturing
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 420 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ARTNM 328, ARTPH 300, and ARTPH 305
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course applies modeling and texturing techniques, or image mapping, to produce environments using industry standard software, such as Autodesk Maya and Substance Painter. Topics include modeling and unwrapping structures, vegetation, and detritus for environments. Also, creating a texture reference library and image preparation for repeating texture, custom alpha maps and brushes.
ARTNM 429 3D Rigging and Rig Building
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 420 with a grade of "C" or better
- Advisory:ARTNM 421 and 422
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides skills for the articulation of computer-generated three-dimensional, or CG 3D, objects. Projects include the creation of rigs for inanimate objects with the intent to animate, and the creation of a full body rig for bipedal and quadrupedal characters. Scripting languages and rig building tools are utilized to expedite the rigging process. 3D production issues, such as interfaces for animators, are addressed.
ARTNM 431 Short Production
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:ARTNM 420 or 422 with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU; UC
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course is a mixed media course combining the visual effects of 3D animation and the traditions of 2D animation. The pipeline of computer-generated three dimensional (CG 3D) art and 2D animation imagery are surveyed and practiced to create short productions that are three minutes or less. Areas of focus include a variety of real world short production scenarios, such as producing a film based on a storyboarded news article, children's book, comic strip, or a segment of a script writer's work. Storyboards from the ARTNM 373 Storyboarding course are selected and produced in this course.
ARTNM 450 Portfolio for Art New Media
- Units:3
- Hours:36 hours LEC; 54 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:Completion of 9 units from one Art New Media Certificate with a grade of "C" or better
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
The course provides essential skills, strategies and processes involved in organizing, selecting, writing and marketing one's creative work. Topics include file organization, file accessibility and backup, research techniques, target identification, resume building, letter of interest, portfolio construction, building resumes, interview techniques, interview body language, job research, and portfolio presentation. The portfolio can be tailored for application for jobs in the creative industry, transfer to 4-year art or graphics programs, graduate schools, gallery exhibitions, artist residencies, scholarships and artist grants.
ARTNM 495 Independent Studies in Art New Media
- Units:1 - 3
- Hours:54 - 162 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
Independent Study is an opportunity for the student to extend classroom experience in this subject, while working independently of a formal classroom situation. Independent study is an extension of work offered in a specific class in the college catalog. To be eligible for independent study, students must have completed the basic regular catalog course at American River College. They must also discuss the study with a professor in this subject and secure approval. Only one independent study for each catalog course will be allowed.
ARTNM 498 Work Experience in Art New Media
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Hours:27 - 216 hours LAB
- Prerequisite:None.
- Enrollment Limitation:Students must be in a paid or unpaid internship, volunteer position, or job related to art new media with a cooperating site supervisor. Students are advised to consult with the Art New Media Department faculty to review specific certificate and degree work experience requirements
- Advisory:Eligible for ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340.
- Transferable:CSU
- General Education:AA/AS Area III(b)
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This course provides students with opportunities to develop marketable skills in preparation for employment or advancement within the field of art new media. It is designed for students interested in work experience and/or internships in transfer-level degree occupational programs. Course content includes understanding the application of education to the workforce, completion of Title 5 required forms which document the student's progress and hours spent at an approved work site, and developing workplace skills and competencies.
During the semester, the student is required to complete 27 hours of related work experience for 0.5 unit. An additional 27 hours of related work experience is required for each additional 0.5 units. All students are required to attend the first course meeting, a mid-semester meeting, and a final meeting. Additionally, students who have not already successfully completed a Work Experience course will be required to attend weekly orientations while returning participants may meet individually with the instructor as needed. Students may take up to 16 units total across all Work Experience course offerings. This course may be taken up to four times when there are new or expanded learning objectives. Only one Work Experience course may be taken per semester.
ARTNM 499 Experimental Offering in Art New Media
- Units:0.5 - 4
- Prerequisite:None.
- Transferable:CSU
- Catalog Date:January 1, 2025
This is the experimental courses description.