Clubs Handbook
Clubs and organizations can be established out of specialized interests of students such as academics, cultural/ethnic backgrounds, campus programs, or political philosophy, students are encouraged to organize and participate in club activities. Basically, if you have an interest in forming a club in nearly any topic, you can create a club for it. Joining a club or Student Government can enrich anyone’s experience at American River College. The CL&D staffs are dedicated to providing you and your club with a setting that encourages personal and organizational growth. The Center for Leadership and Development (CL&D) is dedicated to providing you and your club with a setting that encourages personal and organizational growth. The CL&D staff will assist you with programming, organizing, and coordinating student sponsored activities and events.
Table of Contents:
The CL&D compiles this webpage in conjunction with the Clubs and Events Board (CAEB) with the goal to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. As such this website will go through periodic revisions and updates.
Students are encouraged to join one of our clubs or even create their own! We recognize that student clubs provide a valuable service to the ARC community by providing leadership development, activism, public service, and social and cultural interaction. The CL&D has resources that can help you build up your club and is the hub for student life. The CL&D office is located in the Student Center.
To form a new club, renew an existing club, or reactivate an inactive club you must complete and submit the documents identified to the CL&D. Club charters are submitted to the Club & Events Board (CAEB) for approval. A club’s charter may be revoked by the CL&D for any of the following reasons:
- The resignation of the faculty advisor.
- Non-compliance with the policies and regulations of American River College, the Los Rios Community College District, or a breach of the California State Education Code.
- Not abiding by the rules set forth by the CL&D regarding the administration and maintenance of a club and its associated accounts.
The CL&D also maintains records and copies of relevant documents.
Privileges of Recognized Student Clubs:
- Recognition of affiliation (i.e. use of the name ‘Club of ARC,’ or ‘Club, ARC Chapter,’ etc.)
- Support from Faculty Advisors, the CL&D, CAEB, and Student Senate.
- Listing of club in official publications, as well as online.
- Use of facilities, grounds, services, and equipment, when available, for official meetings and events.
- Participation in Club Days, other club oriented activities, information fairs, and CL&D workshops.
- Use of a Club Trust Account and Business Services support.
- Use of CL&D Club mailboxes, ARC and CL&D addresses - Mailboxes should be checked periodically. Important documents, such as checks, bills, and official correspondences are delivered here and should not be left over prolonged periods. The CL&D assumes no risk or liability once the mail is placed in your box.
- Participate as a voting member for CAEB and have representation for your club.
- Access to the Club Room to set up club meetings and/or events, workshops or programs.
- Access to supplies in the Club Room/CLD Office.
A student club is a recognized body of students coming together for a particular purpose (i.e. to share a culture or heritage, to assist in the pursuit of an academic major, a common religious belief, a common political philosophy, and/or to socialize and have fun). As a recognized club, you are afforded certain privileges such as tabling, participating in Club Days, and access to a Club Trust Account.
(It’s Easier Than You Think)
Forming a club can seem like a daunting task, but this guide should make it manageable. The steps listed in this section are the procedures you will need to follow in order to be a recognized ARC club. To realize these goals, certain exceptions are made for clubs attempting to form during the first few weeks of the semester. The first Club Day of each semester is an open event and unofficial clubs are welcome (and encouraged!) to participate. The Club and Events Board (CAEB) handles the publicity and set-up so it is a great way to increase club awareness and membership.
Once your club has been approved, you are granted all the aforementioned privileges and your charter will remain active for one academic year so long as the following requirements are met:
- Maintains the following material in the CL&D:
- Current approved constitution
- Current approved club packet
- Conducts activities on behalf of the students
- Conducts business in accordance with state, local, and District policies and regulations
- Maintains their Club Trust Account.
- Immediately updates the club packet should anything change.
- All officers meet the minimum eligibilities:
- Enrollment in five (5) semester units at ARC
- Grade Point Average of is 2.0 or better
- Collect names and Student ID numbers of ten (10) interested students.
- Determine the purpose and name of the student club.
- Find a faculty advisor and have them read and sign all necessary sections of the Club Charter Packet.
(Note: A faculty advisor can begin the chartering process on the students’ behalf.) - Complete the Club Charter Packet and have the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer sign all necessary sections.
- Compose a constitution and submit it with the charter packet.
- Submit the Club Charter Packet to the Center for Leadership and Development for approval.
- Clubs will need to submit a Room Reservation form each semester
1.3 All club members shall be enrolled in the college at the time of membership and for the term of membership. 1.4 All club officers shall be enrolled in a minimum of five (5) semester units at ARC and shall maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the District (good standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA).
Note: All necessary documents must be submitted by the date set by the CL&D.
A club must be renewed each academic year:
- Find your current faculty advisor and have them read and sign all necessary sections of the Club Charter Packet. (Note: A faculty advisor can begin the chartering process on the students’ behalf.)
- Complete the Club Charter Packet and have the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer sign all necessary sections.
- Submit the Club Charter Packet to the CL&D for approval. Clubs petitioning to be renewed that already have their most recent constitution on file do not need to submit it again.
- Clubs will need to submit a Room Reservation form each semester
Note: All necessary documents must be submitted by the date set by the CL&D.
- Collect names and ID numbers, of ten (10) interested students.
- Find a faculty advisor and have them read and sign all necessary sections of the Club Charter Packet.
(Note: A faculty advisor can begin the chartering process on the students’ behalf.) - Complete the Club Charter Packet and have the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer sign all necessary sections.
- Clubs will need to submit Room Reservation form each semester
- Submit the Club Charter Packet to the CL&D for approval. Clubs petitioning to be renewed that already have their most recent constitution on file do not need to submit it again.
- Submit a new or revised constitution to be approved by the CL&D Supervisor
- Check club Trust Account to verify any available funds.
- Complete the Club Charter Packet and have initial member sign off
- Submit the Club Charter Packet to the CL&D for approval to be notified it will be an interest club for semester
- Once approved will meet with SPA monthly to check progress and help build constitution
- Able to table at Club Day to recruit and outreach to members and board position
- Interest Group will have some time to establish itself to be a club
- Clubs will need to submit Room Reservation form each semester
When holding a meeting, the presiding officer, sometimes officers, are typically responsible for maintaining order and moving the meeting along. Remember, the degree of formality depends on the size of the club and the consensus of its members. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
- Reserve your room: You can obtain the form from the CL&D
- Be on time (That means early!): The officer or officers responsible for running the meeting should arrive before the meeting is scheduled to begin. That gives them time to set up the room and assure the club is ready to conduct the meeting. Be sure to communicate the meeting time, date, and location at least 72 hours prior to the club meeting.
- Start Promptly: Always start your meetings when you planned to, if possible. Having a regular
schedule for club meetings will help members plan for the meetings. - Be Organized: In order to help keep all of your business in order and prevent things from getting lost, create a meeting agenda.
- Be Composed: A presiding officer should lead by example and always remain composed and objective. A smile or a sense of humor could just save the day.
- Document: Have the club secretary or communications officer take accurate meeting minutes. The meeting minutes should describe decisions made by the club membership.
All official student clubs on campus must have a faculty advisor, though classified staff may sign on as co-advisor. Advisors are primarily responsible for the following items. (To help with the volume of need a co-advisor is recommended.)
- LRCCD Policies and Regulations
- 1.0) Campus Clubs and Organizations
- 1.2) Every club must have a faculty advisor in order to operate on the campus.
The exact role an advisor plays in a club is determined by the club itself and the needs that the club might have. It is the responsibility of the student leadership of the club to inform the advisor of their needs.
- Provide the basic orientation, continuity, and knowledge of the activities, traditions, and services of the club.
- Assist in planning meaningful events, activities and projects that are consistent with the purposes of the group and/or with the goals of the club.
- Attend all club activities, meetings and/or any other special events designed by the club, whether it is held on or off-campus and remain at the event until it is over. Violation of this policy may result in the termination of the club charter.
- Encourage development, initiative, responsibility, and leadership of the student members.
- Ensure that the club complies with all college and district policies, rules and regulations.
- Be familiar with the constitution of the club and be prepared to render assistance with their interpretation and help officers understand their duties.
- See to it that minutes of meetings are maintained (when an advisor resigns or retires, all records should be filed with the CL&D).
- Provide guidance to the financial activities of the group; ensure that expenditures are permissible; prevent club the from incurring debts that it is unable to pay.
- Promote communication with the CL&D Office.
In many cases an advisor’s signature is needed for a club to conduct business on campus. Here are a few examples of things an advisor will need to sign.
- ARC Facilities Request Form
- Reimbursement Request Form
- Funding Request Forms
- Club charter documents
- Travel requests
When a student club is changing advisors there are two main things that need to happen.
- The outgoing advisor should notify the CL&D with the effective date of their resignation.
- The student club and the incoming advisor should notify the CL&D via email with the date of the transition.
Controlling Philosophy:
- ARC requires strict adherence to rules and procedures. The observance ensures that good practices are maintained and everything accounted for in an audit.
- Clubs must be chartered, active, and in good standing to use their funds.
- Bank accounts outside of the District are not permitted
- All club financial transactions are required to take place with Business Services Office
- Additional documentation may be requested (club minutes, flyers, etc.) to accompany requisition for payment and/or reimbursement
Deposits can be made by cash or check by completing the Club Deposit Form in the CL&D. All deposits must be made in person with the required signature (executive officers). The CL&D will deposit funds through Business Services. The completion of the transaction will be stored in the club’s file and copy given to club officer. All funds must be deposited the following business day.
Note: Should a club or organization fail to re-charter four (4) consecutive semesters the club’s
financial account shall be frozen and all remaining account funds shall revert back to the Associated Student Body, Clubs and Events Board. No funds, once reverted, shall be returned. A new club will have to be started.
Fundraising Parameters:
Fundraising is defined as an event where a student club receives funds through sale, auction, or donation.
- Fundraising is available to current chartered clubs.
- All funds raised must be deposited into the corresponding club account.
- Food sales can only be allowed after those members who will handle food have taken a food safety class provided by the CL&D
Raffles, Drawings & Games Of Chance:
School entities, including student clubs, are not authorized to participate in raffles.
Follow all guidelines set down by the CL&D and the ARC Receiving Office
- All expenditures require a signed copy of the student club minutes to be attached to a Purchase Requisition form and/or a Purchase Order form. The officer or principal member responsible for preparing the minutes must sign the minutes
- Club minutes must be turned in with Campus Based Requisition form, approving expenditures.
- It is in the student club’s best interest when approving expenditures, to approve a “not to exceed” amount in the event that the estimated expenditure is not exact.
- When submitting minutes, please highlight the corresponding motion/section.
Other Supportive Documentation (Required as appropriate for the expense):
- Copy of the event flyer
- Resume or description of the performer's/lecturer's experience
- Conference description or agenda
A member of a student club may be reimbursed for items purchased for use by the student club.
To be reimbursed:
- Complete a Request for Reimbursement form.
- Attach club minutes approving the reimbursement.
- Attach original receipts. Please keep personal purchases on a separate receipt and/or transaction.
- Submit all completed forms and accompanying documentation to the CL&D Office.
- Please put Los Rios ID # on the reimbursement form to verify student/faculty member.
NOTE: Student clubs are prohibited from entering into contracts with independent contractors, service providers, vendors, or the like.
Gifts & Donations:
Cash or check donations intended for a recognized club and/or the ARC ASB shall be deposited into the club/organization Trust account.
Checks are made payable to “American River College”. Donors must note, on the “memo line” on the check or in a separate letter, the specific name of the club/organization receiving the donation. If the donation is for a specific scholarship sponsored by the student club, the donor must specify in a letter that the donation is for the purposes of a particular scholarship. The club/organization shall recognize and accept or decline the donation in a meeting (this must be reflected in the meeting minutes). To keep track of donations received, clubs shall develop a table or Excel spreadsheet to record donations. The table shall include the following information: date received, donor name, amount of the donation, and the purpose of the donation. This information must be
provided to the CL&D on a regular and consistent basis for audit purposes.
Donors shall receive either a receipt or letter from the club confirming receipt of the cash/check donation. A copy of the receipt or letter must be provided to the CL&D at the time the donation(s) are deposited into the club account.
Points To Remember:
- Clubs must be active, chartered clubs in good standing to utilize their funds.
- Invoices/receipts should only show items for the club use (no personal items should be included on the same receipt).
- Any incomplete form will delay the process so be sure to provide all necessary information when it is submitted.
- Students or advisors will not be reimbursed for payments made for services to independent contractors.
- Expenses should be submitted within the same academic year of occurrence.
- Receipts for personal expense reimbursement older than 30 days are subject to review and/or non-payment. Receipts older than 30 days must be accompanied with a memo of explanation, which is also signed by the club advisor.
- The club advisor and a designated club officer must sign all deposit and expense forms.
- All expenditures require signature approval of the Vice President of Administration, Club Advisor, designated Club Officer and the Dean of Student Services. (Reference: Education Code 76063; LRCCD P-2314 Section 2.1, LRCCD R-2314 Section 2.1)
- If merchandise or services are ordered without proper authorization, the club account may be frozen and the club will not be permitted to use funds until the problems are resolved.
Similarly, if bills are not submitted in a timely manner, the club account may be frozen and the club will not be permitted to use funds until the problems are resolved.
The purpose of the following rules and regulations of American River College is to provide its students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to distribute and display written or printed materials on campus to the extent that such materials does not disrupt or impair the responsibility of the college as an educational institution or interfere with the free flow of persons, traffic and regular activities of the College. (Reference: Education Code 76120; LRCCD R-1313 and R-2411)
Limitations of Posting for Student Clubs:
- Prior to posting – all materials for posting must be approved and stamped by the CLD.
- ARC clubs and organizations are responsible for the posting and removal of their flyers. Make sure to remove all of the tape when removing flyers or posters from surfaces. Remove all posters and publicity materials by 4:00 p.m. the day after the event. If the event is held on a Friday, publicity items MUST BE REMOVED BY NOON the following Monday. Ask CL&D staff for a map of the college so you can mark where you posted information. This will help when removing the postings.
- All materials shall clearly indicate:
- Sponsoring individual, club/organization, advisor's signature
- The ARC logo or the words “American River College”
- Type of activity
- Time, date and location of activity
- Materials to be distributed, displayed or circulated pursuant to this regulation will not be obscene or pornographic, pervasively indecent and vulgar, slanderous or libelous as well as racially slanderous through language or depiction
- All materials must be written in English, or if written in another language must include an English translation alongside, on the same page of the document
- Materials shall be posted for the announcement of meetings or events only, not to impart philosophy or opinion
- Displays in classrooms or offices are at the discretion of area deans and the appropriate faculty
- Materials shall not be placed over or obstruct the view of previously posted materials or on directional, emergency, or warning signs
- Large banners may use wooden stakes, A or H Frames, but not be on bricks or windows.
Let the CLD know about your marketing and public relations by filling out the form so we can help you market your club better.