Library Group Study Rooms
Due to their high demand, library group study rooms are on a first come, first serve basis and cannot be reserved.
There are 19 group study rooms available throughout the library during library building hours.
- 1st floor: 3 group study rooms, including a family study room
- 2nd floor: 10 group study rooms
- 3rd floor: 6 group study rooms
The rooms are equipped with whiteboard, table and chairs. Whiteboard markers and erasers can be borrowed from the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.
Group Study Room Policy
While everyone is welcome to use the study rooms, students and groups will be prioritized.
- 1st floor study rooms, groups of three (3) or more have priority.
- See Family Study Room information below
- 2nd and 3rd floor study rooms are for groups of two (2) or more people.
- Individuals may use an empty study room but must leave if asked by a group.
- No saving space. Individuals may not "reserve" the room for a group. All members of the group must be present.
- Failure to comply with this policy, or with requests made by library staff may result in removal from the library and a loss of library privileges.
(Rooms 210, 211, 212, and 213 may sometimes be used by the Beacon Tutoring Program. A calendar outside each room will show when tutoring session may be scheduled; when there is no official Beacon tutoring session scheduled, any student may use the room.)
Group Study Room Usage
- Group study rooms are for collaborative academic use.
- Keep noise levels down as rooms are not soundproofed.
- Keep the door shut and lights on.
- Do not leave items unattended. The library is not responsible for materials or equipment left in the study room by the users.
- Write only on the whiteboard.
Family Study Room
Room 115 is designed for students with children. This room offers a workspace for parents and a child-safe area to keep babies or toddlers engaged with learning panels.
Priority is given to students who are accompanied by one or more children. If students with children need the room, we ask that others vacate the space to accommodate them.
Order of priority for this study room:
- Student(s) who have at least one child with them
- Groups (3 or more have priority for these larger rooms)
- Individuals
Family Study Room Policies
- Parents/guardians are responsible for their children’s safety and behavior.
- Do not leave your children unattended. If an unsupervised child comes to the attention of library personnel, Los Rios Police will be contacted.
- Please do not change diapers in this room. There are diaper changing stations in the library first floor restrooms.
- Keep the door closed while using the room and be mindful of the noise level. Please be aware that the study rooms are not soundproof.
- Please return books and toys to their storage spaces.
Find more ARC campus resources for student parents on the Family Resources page.