Library Course Reserves
The library reserve collection contains required physical course materials for students to check out from the library. Both library-owned and instructor-owned materials are put on reserve for ARC classes.
To make course materials available to students, instructors can put textbooks, articles, chapters, videos, class notes, study guides, and other course materials on reserve in the library.
- Please complete the Library Reserves Form before bringing your reserve materials to the Circulation Desk.
- Bring reserve item(s) to the Circulation Desk (1st floor).
Important Reserves Information
● Allow at least five days for processing, particularly at the start of the semester.
● Items on reserve will stay on reserve until they are no longer being used for any course.
● The Library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or unreturned items.
See more Print Reserve Policies below.
You can call the ARC Circulation Desk at (916) 484-8455, or email the library
The library can not put an eBook on reserve for most traditional publishers.
Despite libraries' attempts to make copies of selected textbooks and course materials available to help those students who are unable to purchase their own, the following is a sample list of publishers that will not allow libraries to purchase eBook/e-textbook versions of their publications:
- Pearson
- Cengage
- McGraw Hill
- Oxford University Press
- Most publishers of 'common reads,' popular fiction, and popular nonfiction
- Many health sciences texts
Library eBooks
The library has an eBook collection that can be used in your courses (Canvas) at no cost to students. Here's how to find them:
- Search for eBooks in OneSearch.
- Check user access to an eBook to ensure it is Unlimited User Access.
- Add the permalink to the entire eBook or select chapters in Canvas, bookstore form, etc.
- Note: Most library reserves and resources are not Open Education Resources (OER) as the library is purchasing these materials and they are not openly licensed. To find out more about OER, see the textbook affordability guide.
Students can search for required course materials on our Find Textbooks page and find answers to questions in our Library Textbooks FAQ.
You can also save your students time by providing the call number and permalink to your library resources in your syllabus and/or in Canvas.
Print Reserve Policies
Older editions of current textbooks are not placed on reserve. A faculty-donated copy of the most recent previous edition of a textbook may, at the library's discretion, be placed in the library's circulating collection. You can check OneSearch to see if older editions are available in the circulating collection.
Supplementary materials will be kept for only one semester unless they are used with some regularity. At the end of a semester, low-circulating items will be returned to the instructor. If an instructor wishes to donate supplements to the library, then a librarian will determine if they would be useful in the collection.
Items on reserve will stay on reserve until they are no longer being used for any course. If the item was provided by an instructor, it will be returned. If the instructor wishes to donate the item to the library, then it will be sent to the librarian liaison for that department to determine if it is appropriate for the library circulating collection.
When the budget allows, the library buys textbooks for reserves.
Donated textbooks become the property of the library.
See our Check Out Policies page for reserve check-out periods, limits, and late fines.
For additional information, view the ARC Instructional Technology Center page on copyright.