ARC Dual Enrollment students have access to many services and resources designed by ARC to help college students. Not all resources apply to each student; check with your counselors and guardians to see if you are eligible.
Included services and resources are categorized into the following sections: Academics and Technology, Student Services, Admissions, Affinity Groups, Health and Well-Being, and Future Direction.
Academics and Technology
Technology Resources
Learn how to access the tech resources you need, including apps for your classes, computers, and internet and WiFi. You can also reset your password, set up security questions, or contact Tech Support if you have additional questions.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA)
Find academic support, industry involvement, a supportive community environment, and enrichment activities related to science, technology, engineering, and math. MESA helps educationally-disadvantaged students become engineers and scientists, and pursue other math-based careers.
Math Learning Center (MLC)
The MLC provides students with a mastery-based, independent study approach to learning math under the guidance of an instructor.
Whether you need a place to study, to borrow a textbook, computer access, assistance with a research project, or are simply looking for something to read, the American River College library can help. Drop by anytime we're open, or we can help you 24/7 via chat.
Learning Resource Center
The LRC provides classrooms, a quiet learning environment, and instructional support services, including tutoring. It's also home to the English as a Second Language Center, LRC computer lab, Reading across the Disciplines (RAD) and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), the tech center, and the tutorial center.
Student Services
Support Services
ARC offers many support services programs designed to help you reach your academic and professional goals.
TRIO Student Support Services
First-generation, low-income, and disabled students receive academic advice, financial aid info, tutoring, and more.
EOP&S, CARE, and NextUp
EOP&S (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) offers educational support services to eligible students historically excluded and/or underserved, including CARE students (single heads of households receiving CalWORKs cash aid) and NextUp students (current and/or former foster youth).
Counseling and Transfer Services
ARC Counselors are available to support students with academic, career, personal, and crisis counseling necessary to successfully reach their goals. Counselors can help students develop an educational plan of courses towards an Associate's degree, transfer to a four-year institution, or completion of a certificate - even if you are unsure of your educational goal.
Disability Services and Programs for Students (DSPS)
We promote equal access at ARC, ensuring that students with disabilities can participate fully in campus activities. DSPS is specifically designed to open the doors to educational opportunity for students with disabilities.
Financial Aid and Fees
Money shouldn't get in the way of getting a college education. We are here to help you get the financial support you need to pay your tuition and fees and afford college.
Admissions Office
We provide assistance to complete the college application, verify California residency, register for classes, interpret policies pertaining to enrollment, send and receive college transcripts, maintain student admissions and records, and process petitions to graduate. Find Office Hours and more.
Business Services
Pay tuition and fees, buy semester parking permits, request refunds, and more.
First Year Experience at ARC
ARC is committed to ensuring new students have a smooth transition to the college and successfully complete their first year.
Community and Cultural Groups
A HomeBase pathway community is a dedicated, welcoming space where students in a particular major or area of interest can get the support they need to complete their academic program while also enjoying a sense of community and belonging.
TRIO Educational Talent Search
We prepare and inspire low-income, first-generation college students to succeed in college.
TRIO Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math & Science
We encourage low-income and potential first-generation college students to complete high school and go on to college.
Center for Leadership and Development
The Center for Leadership and Development creates a sense of community that promotes equity, social justice, self-discovery, student achievement, diversity, and pluralism.
Black Student Success Center
Inspiring and empowering Black students to pursue their educational goals while affirming their culturally unique identities.
Native American Resource Center
The center is a physical area on the campus that aids Native American and Alaskan Native students and serves as a sanctuary where Native traditions are upheld and celebrated.
Pride Center
This space celebrates LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff. We foster an awareness of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, and provide a safe and welcoming campus environment for all.
Asian Pacific Islander Student Center (APISC)
The Asian and Pacific Islander Center is a cultural engagement center that supports student from similar and diverse East Asian, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, Filipino, Native Hawaiian, and South Asian cultural backgrounds.
Puente Project
The Puente Project is a national program designed to increase the number of underrepresented students who transfer to universities.
UndocuScholar Resource Connection
We empower students, employees, and community members who are undocumented, of mixed-status family, or allies, to reach their academic, personal, and professional goals.
UNITE Center
U.N.I.T.E. creates collective spaces in which students, staff, faculty, and administrators share lived realities, stories, and histories as equity education for the campus community.
Health and Wellbeing
Basic Needs Resources
Receive basic needs and find help for emergency needs, including financial assistance, housing, shelter, food, mental health and wellness, social services, and more.
Student Health and Wellness
The Los Rios colleges Student Health & Wellness Centers integrate physical and mental health care into one cohesive team and location allowing us to serve the "whole" student.
Future Direction
Career and Pathways
Find resources in choosing career options, planning for college, preparing for employment, and researching current job openings.
Work Experience and Internship Program
We offer an experiential academic program that allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to a work environment while earning college credit.