Veterans Resource Center Office
We help assist Veteran students and their families with their ARC educational and VA-related needs. Certifying officials act as the link between students and the Department of Veterans Affairs. We understand that the transition from military to college life can be difficult and are committed to providing the best possible care in appreciation for your sacrifice and service.
Veterans Resource Center (VRC) Services and Information
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government VA website.
To initiate your GI Bill® benefits at American River College, submit a Veterans Resource Center Contact Request Form. Once you've submitted a request, a member of our staff will contact you to guide you through our process, explain benefits, and provide you with the correct paperwork to submit to us.
Please note, you need to have a student identification number with our college in order for us to fully assist you. To get an ID number, you need to submit a CCCApply application to American River College.
The VRC provides the following services:
- Information regarding VA education benefits
- Assistance with the ARC application and registration process
- Assistance with VA applications and forms
- VA Certifying Officials to initiate and process VA education benefits
- Evaluation of educational progress as applied toward a degree or certificate program
- Evaluation of DD form 214s for college credit
- Priority registration to qualified Veterans who provide a DD form 214 or military ID
- VetSuccess Counselor
- TRIO SSS Veterans
- Appointments with a DSPS counselor
- Appointments with an ARC counselor
- Information about ARC resources and services
- Computer lab
- Local VA representatives
- Assistance identifying community resources for Veterans and their dependents
- Events and activities designed to foster an environment of academic, career and personal success
- Employment opportunities for VA work-study through the VA. View the work-study application.
To ensure we certify your benefits in a timely manner use the following link for the CHP Recruit Packet Request
Once your request has been received, one of our staff will send you the required paperwork we need submitted and explain the next steps in the process.
Use the following link to request the required documents to certify your GI Bill® benefits for your academy: Recruit Packet Request
Be sure to select the correct academy that you are attending and benefits you are electing to use from the options listed. Once your request is received, one of our staff will follow up, send you all the paperwork, and guide you on your next steps.
The VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program aims to help Veterans, Servicemembers, and their qualified dependents succeed and thrive through a coordinated delivery of on-campus benefits assistance and counseling, leading to completion of their education and preparing them to enter the labor market in viable careers.
The VSOC program provides a VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) to each VSOC school. These VRCs are called VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) Counselors. A VA Vet Center Outreach Coordinator is also provided, and co-located on many campuses, to provide peer-to-peer counseling and referral services.
Through the VSOC program, VA is strengthening partnerships with institutions of higher learning and creating opportunities to help Veterans achieve success by providing outreach and transition services during their transition from military to college life. VSOC Counselors ensure that Veterans receive the support and assistance needed to pursue their educational and employment goals. VSOC Counselors are easily accessible on campuses, which helps to quickly resolve any problems that could potentially interfere with a Veteran's educational program, to include assisting with disability accommodations.
For more information, call (916) 484-8135 and we can schedule a meeting with the VSOC counselor.
Forever GI Bill® and Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act
View an overview of the changes that are being implemented to the GI Bill®.
"GI Bill®" is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. Government website.
Post-9/11 GI Bill® - Chapter 33
The Post-9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days.
This benefit provides up to 36 months of full-time educational benefits and is generally payable for 15 years following your release from active duty. Based on the length of service, eligible individuals are entitled to a percentage of the benefit. This benefit offers some the opportunity to transfer their GI Bill® to their dependents.
**If the Veteran discharged on or after January 1, 2013, then they fall under the Forever GI Bill® and the 15-year time limit is eliminated.
** Read more about the Chapter 33 benefit and its components.
Post-9/11 Transfer of Entitlement Program
The transferability option under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® allows eligible Servicemembers to transfer all 36 months or a portion of unused Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (unless DoD or the Department of Homeland Security has limited the number of transferable months).
The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether or not you can transfer benefits to your family. Upon approval, family members may apply to use transferred benefits with VA by completing the VA Form 22-1990e. VA Form 22-1990e should only be completed and submitted to the VA by the family member after DoD has approved the request of the transfer of education benefits.
If you're eligible, you may transfer benefits to the following individuals:
- Your spouse
- One or more of your children
- Any combination of spouse and children
The option to transfer is open to any member of the armed forces active duty or Selected Reserve, officer or enlisted who is eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, and meets the following criteria:
- Has at least six years of service in the armed forces (active duty and/or Selected Reserve) on the date of approval and agrees to serve four additional years in the armed forces from the date of the election.
- Has at least 10 years of service in the armed forces (active duty and/or Selected Reserve) on the date of approval, is precluded by either standard policy (by Service Branch or DoD) or statute from committing to four additional years, and agrees to serve for the maximum amount of time allowed by such policy or statute.
- *As of August 1, 2018, GI Bill® benefit must be transferred between 6 and 16 years of service, or lose out.*
- Transfer requests are submitted and approved while the member is in the armed forces.
- May start to use the benefit immediately
- May use while the Servicemember remains in the Armed Forces or after separation from active duty
- Are not eligible for the monthly housing allowance while the member is on active duty
- Can use for up to 15 years after the Servicemember's last separation from active duty
- May start to use the benefit only after the Servicemember has completed at least 10 years of service
- May use while the Servicemember remains in the Armed Forces or after separation from active duty
- May not use until he/she has attained a secondary school diploma or has reached age 18
- Is entitled to the monthly housing allowance stipend even though the Servicemember is on active duty
- Is not subject to the 15-year delimiting date, but may not use the benefit after reaching 26-years of age
See more information on eligibility requirements and the transfer process.
View the official DoD website for information on transferability.
Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship
Children and surviving spouses of Servicemembers who died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001, can receive up to 36 months of benefits at the 100% level.
- A child may begin an approved program of education before the age of 18.
- Eligibility ends on the child's 33rd birthday. **If first eligible after Jan. 1, 2013, then there is no time limit to use Fry Scholarship benefit**
- A child's marital status has no effect on eligibility.
Surviving spouse:
- A surviving spouse can receive benefits for terms beginning on or after January 1, 2015. Training prior to January 1, 2015, is not eligible to receive benefits under Section 701.
- Has 15 years from the date of the Servicemember's death to utilize benefits. **If first eligible after Jan. 1, 2013, then there is no time limit to use Fry Scholarship benefit**
- If a spouse remarries, benefits end on the date of the remarriage.
Some dependents currently eligible for or already receiving benefits under the Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program may now be eligible for the Fry Scholarship. In most situations, beneficiaries are not able to use the same qualifying event for more than one benefit and may be required to make an irrevocable election between the DEA program and the Fry Scholarship.
See more Fry Scholarship information.
Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty (MGIB-AD) - Chapter 30
The MGIB-AD benefit may be available to Servicemembers who have at least two years of active duty and contributed money to their GI Bill®. This benefit provides up to 36 months of educational benefits and is generally payable for 10 years following your release from active duty. See additional Chapter 30 eligibility benefit information.
Montgomery GI Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) - Chapter 1606
The MGIB-SR benefit may be available to anyone who is currently fulfilling a six-year obligation to a branch of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Reserve, in addition to the Army National Guard and Air National Guard.
You must have completed initial active duty training (IADT) and remain in good standing while serving. You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of full-time education benefits. Your eligibility for the program normally ends the day you leave the Selected Reserve.
See more information on the Chapter 1606 benefit.
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment - Chapter 31
Vocational rehabilitation and employment services may be available to those Servicemembers with a service-connected disability.
Upon approval, you must meet with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor who will help to select a plan to address your educational needs. Apply and receive more information on the Chapter 31 benefit.
You can also call (916) 484-8377 to schedule an appointment with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Please meet with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for authorization (VA form 28-1905).
Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) - Chapter 35
Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) program may be available to anyone that is a child (between ages 18 and 26, with some exceptions) or spouse of a Veteran who is one of the following:
- Permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition
- Listed as a POW or MIA
- Or who died in service or of a service-connected disability
**As of August 1, 2018, the maximum months of benefits have been reduced from 45 months to 36 months. If the benefit was used prior to August 1, 2018, then dependent is still eligible for 45 months of benefit.** See more information on the Chapter 35 benefit
- Please note the VRC does not process CalVet Fee Waiver applications. All applications need to be sent to a County Veterans Service Office (CVSO). Once you have your approved letter for the correct school year, email a copy of the approved letter to the VRC at
- CalVet fee waivers cover the Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters and need to be renewed prior to enrolling in the Summer semester.
o If you need help finding a CVSO, then use the following link:
Pick up a VA educational plan at the Veterans Resource Center before your appointment. All transcripts from other colleges must be received prior to your appointment. The Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that students select a major.
You can only receive payment for courses that are required according to your major.
To schedule your VA Certification appointment, please utilize:
Do not schedule an appointment if you plan to drop or add classes. Classes on the waitlist cannot be certified. Changes to your schedule after initial certification can cause delays in payments or overpayments with the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you make changes to your schedule after certification, contact our office immediately.
To schedule your VA Certification appointment, please utilize:
If you are requesting an Early Out from the military for education, please submit an ARC application and a verification request.
Provide the following in a signed request:
Please fax or mail your request to: American River College Veterans Resource Center 4700 College Oak Drive Sacramento, CA 95841Fax number: 916-484-8917 |
If you are called to active duty during the semester and would like to request a military withdrawal, bring a copy of your orders to the Veterans Resource Center and attach them to an ARC petition requesting military withdrawal. Once approved, ARC will withdraw you from your classes and reimburse your tuition. If financial aid is involved, ask the coordinator to determine how your financial aid will be affected. You are responsible for contacting your lender(s) regarding any loan repayment options.
If you would like to receive a grade of incomplete as an alternative to military withdrawal, please contact your instructor(s) for approval.
If you are receiving VA education benefits, a VA Certifying Official will work with the Department of Veterans Affairs regarding your last day of attendance. For additional questions, contact the ARC Veterans Resource Center at 916-484-8135.
General Contact Email
General Inquiries Phone Number
Monday through Thursday:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday - Remote Only:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Contact Person:
- Student Personnel Assistant
- TBA:
- Certifying Official:
- Elena Skubenich
- Certifying Official:
- Terri Hunnefeld
- Academic Counselor:
- Robert Griffin
- Student Support Supervisor:
- Amanda Carroll
Web Enabled Approval Management System (WEAMS)
WEAMS is designed to help you find institutions and programs approved for VA educational benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The Veterans Resource Center staff does not determine eligibility for education benefits. All students who think they may be eligible should apply or contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at (888) 442-4551 or visit the following: